Discover the Surprising and Wonderful Benefits of Coconut Oil!

The purpose of my website has always been to give you tips to help you reduce stress in your life and allow you to tap into your body’s own healing ability.

Today I want to share with you something that I have used on a daily basis for over a decade and feel it has made a huge impact on my family’s overall health.

Coconut oil!

I honestly believe it is one of the most healthiest foods on the planet!

Watch my video and discover how you can use coconut oil every day!

Coconut oil is unique because of its medium-chain fatty acids. They are easy to digest, and processed by the liver which means that they are immediately converted to energy instead of being stored as fat.

I shared a few of the ways I use coconut oil, but my video only scratched the surface of the numerous benefits coconut oil can provide.

Here are some more reasons to add coconut oil into your life:

Weight Loss: A study in 2009 looked at the weight loss link between women’s consumption of coconut oil and found that it reduces abdominal obesity. Researchers discovered coconut oil is easy to digest and also protects the body from insulin resistance.

Boosts the Immune System: Coconut oil is made up of healthy fats like lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid, which contain antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that help boost the immune system.

Help Brain Function: Since coconut oil is made of medium-chain fatty acids, they travel directly to the liver where they are synthesized into keytone bodies. These chemical compounds have a positive effect on many brain disorders such as Alzheimers and epilepsy.

Reduce Risk of Heart Disease: Coconut oil has been shown to improve overall cholesterol by simultaneously increasing HDL (good) and lowering LDL (bad) levels.

Use it for Shaving: Helps alleviate razor burn and reduce redness and irritation.

Improves Digestion: It can help improve bacteria and gut health by destroying bad bacteria and candida.

Other uses:

It is a safe diaper cream

Helps support healthy thyroid function

It naturally has SPF 4 in it 

Use a small amount to calm frizzy hair

Put it on chapped lips

Season cast iron skillets

Can reduce itch from mosquito bites

Add with salt for an exfoliant

It can be uses as a natural deodorant

Add with baking soda to brush teeth

Can relieve pain from hemorroids

Rub on feet, then put on socks to help cracked dry skin

Helps clear up cold sores

Can help with allergy symptoms by ingesting it daily

Helps prevent stretch marks with pregnancy

and on and on and on and on:)

So what do you think? Are you ready to add coconut oil to your daily routine?

I would love for you to share your thoughts or ways you use coconut oil!

With Love and Gratitude,
