Relieve tension in arms and hands PLUS boost Liver Energy!

What if doing simple stretches to relieve tension in your arms and hands could also boost your liver energy?

Follow along with me in my video and find out how!

One of your liver’s main jobs is to keep your energy flowing freely. The Liver regulates the amount of blood circulating, withdrawing and storing it when resting or sleeping, and releasing it during exercise.

When your liver energy is blocked you may have digestive issues, eye issues, tension in shoulders, cramps or spasms in muscles and tendons.

Chinese medicine believes that certain emotions get stuck in various organs and the liver stores  anger, bitterness and resentment. If you are a person who holds onto a grudge or experiences a lot of tension in your life, then your liver energy is probably blocked and these exercises would be a great way for you to boost your liver energy!

If you are a person who sits at a desk all day or performs daily repetitive motions with your hands and arms, give these stretches a try! We take our arms and hands for granted. They do so much for us throughout the day. Any kind of repetitive motion can take a toll on them and cause carpal tunnel, tendinitis or tension. These exercises will help relieve some of your pain and strengthen those tendons so you can prevent disease.

I would love for you to share some feedback after you try them out!

With Love and Gratitude,
