Detox, Balance and Strengthen Your Liver

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When your liver energy is not flowing smoothly throughout your body it can lead to feelings of frustration, anger, stress, and can also show up as physical symptoms like a tight neck and shoulders, menstrual problems, digestive issues and much more. Learn how you can detox, balance and strengthen your liver by flushing your liver meridian. 

Simple Tip to Help Calm Body

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If you are feeling anxious, stressed out, overwhelmed or maybe you are consumed by fear, try this simple technique. It can help calm your body down in less than a minute. 

Clear Heat and Cool Body

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Your body can easily get overheated during the summertime months. Learn two simple acupressure points that can help cool down your body. These points can also work great if you suffer with hot flashes.   

EFT (tapping) for Psoriasis

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I have talked about how our emotions are linked to all disease and illness in past videos. Today I want to talk about psoriasis and what emotions could be buried in your subconscious creating this uncomfortable skin issue. Many of the emotions linked to psoriasis are feeling insecure, rejected, irritated or maybe you completely suppress your feelings. Watch my video …

Ease Sciatica Pain

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Sciatica pain can make your life miserable and keep you from participating in life. In today’s video I am sharing a couple of stretches that can help ease the pain and get you moving again!