Balance Your Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. Just as the Root Chakra is our connection to the earth, the crown chakra connects us to the universe, God, the heavens or whatever you see as source. It is often represented with the color white and it provides the spiritual awareness that we are all connected to something bigger than ourselves, a universal connectedness.

Do you feel a lack of purpose? Do you seek deeper meaning in life? Do you feel spiritually disconnected? Maybe you suffer with depression. All of these are signs that your Crown Chakra is unbalanced. You may also find yourself feeling frustrated a lot and unable to find joy in your life.

Affirmations that can help:

I receive guidance from my higher self

I am an extension of God/universe/source

I am connected and whole

One thing that will help awaken or balance the crown chakra is asking a simple question. Many of us at one time or another have asked ourselves, What is my purpose? Instead of asking that ask: How can I best serve the whole? Meditate on that and write down what comes up.

When you do something to be of service to others it automatically makes you feel connected to something other than yourself. It could be as simple as opening a door for someone or helping carry their groceries. Help a neighbor with their yard. Volunteer in your community. This is a great way to show kindness, love and compassion and balance your Crown Chakra!