My Favorite Acupressure Points

Many people ask me which are the best points to use, or which points work faster? My answer is always the same, “There isn’t one size fits all when it comes to the body and it’s energy system. Use what works and that may change week to week depending on what shows up in your body.” The beautiful thing about working with your body’s energy system is that you cannot screw it up, and there are no side effects!

I always tell people to give something a try for 30 days, set the intention to work with your body and get the energy moving! That is the first step! Your body is always sending you messages. I describe it like the engine light in your car coming on to warn you something is wrong. Your body does the same!

I have hundreds of videos to choose from! Tune into what you really want to work on, and pick the video you think aligns best with that. Then set the intention to use it for the next month and see how things shift in your body. The more you work with your body’s energy system, the faster you will begin to heal! 

With that said, I do have some favorite points that I use a lot, and I thought I would share those with you today.