Balance Your Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and it is connected to the color green. When this chakra is balanced you have the ability to love and forgive yourself and others. You also have compassion for others and feel joyful.

When it is unbalanced emotionally you may feel sorry for yourself, paranoid, afraid of getting hurt or being ignored, extreme jealously or bitterness. Physically you may struggle with circulation problems, heart palpitations, hypertension and you may have issues with your lungs, shoulder or upper back pain.

Some affirmations that could help to balance the heart chakra are:

I forgive others and I forgive myself

I naturally attract love everywhere I go

I welcome love with an open heart

The best way to feel love is to give it. What can you do each day to show love to those around you? It could be simply smiling at anyone you see. Give a compliment or help someone out with something. Just placing your hands over your heart and thinking about someone or something you love and then sending that love out to the world can open your heart chakra.