Learn How to Trace Your Meridians Part 4

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I know I talk a lot about the energy system on my website and in my videos, but that is because I am so passionate about helping people to understand the power they have within themselves to heal emotionally and physically.

It all starts with our body’s energy system!

I share many different techniques with you that will allow you to explore many  ways to balance your body’s energy system. There is not a one size fits all. Experiment and see what works for you.

I understand that tracing your meridians can seem overwhelming and that is why I broke it down into 4 videos. Just start with one video and practice the 3 or 4 I teach you until it becomes second nature to you. Then move on to the next series.

Before you know it, you will be tracing all of your meridians in less than a minute!

Watch my video and find out how to trace the final 3 of your 12 main meridians.

Have you ever experienced jet lag?  Tracing your meridians can actually reset your system and help you bypass that whole jet lag experience!

Remember your meridians communicate with every major organ system, endocrine system, nervous, circulatory, digestive, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, muscular and skeletal! 

It is pretty amazing that by learning how to trace your meridians you are literally affecting your entire body inside and out! 

I would love for you to share your experience after you give this a try for 30 days. 

Is there a certain technique you use to balance your energy?

With Love and Gratitude, 
