How to Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick!

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Happy 2019! For many people the New Year means creating New Years Resolutions. Maybe you want to start exercising more, lose some weight, reduce your debt or enhance your relationships. These are all great things to improve on, but I think the most important thing you can do is to start incorporating some habits that will reduce stress and increase happiness and overall well-being. If you can find ways to decrease your stress levels, it will be so much easier for you to focus, plan and ultimately reach goals that will revolutionize your life!

Whenever you stress out about anything, the creative thinking part of your brain shuts down and you go into survival mode. You cannot focus or process things in this state. It actually puts you in a reactive state.

Today I am going to share 2 simple acupressure points that you can start using today to help you reduce stress. When your mind is balanced and calm you will be able to increase your concentration, awareness, mental clarity and memory. This will be a tremendous help in achieving your goals.

Watch and follow along with me!