Balancing Your Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus is located a couple inches above the bellybutton in the upper abdominal area. This chakra may be out of balance if you find yourself struggling to set boundaries with people or maybe you constantly seek others approval? If you have a domineering personality you may tend to manipulate people to get what… Continue reading Balancing Your Solar Plexus

Balancing Your Sacral Chakra

The Sacral chakra is located below the belly button in the pubic area. It holds the basic needs for creativity, self-worth, sexuality and emotions. If this chakra is blocked, it could cause kidney weakness, stiff lower back, urinary problems, addictive behaviors, sexual dysfunction and feeling oversensitive. You also may find it hard to express your… Continue reading Balancing Your Sacral Chakra

Balancing Your Root Chakra

Since the Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine, it relates to the feeling of being grounded, stable and safe. It is what connects us to the earth. This is our foundation in life and relates to feeling like your basic needs are met like food, water and shelter. It is our… Continue reading Balancing Your Root Chakra